As a logical outcome of evaluating and developing ingenuity, an organization will create prerequisites for continuous ingenuity within an organization, thus further increasing the strategic role of a human within an organization and that the system can arise as a logical next step of well-defined assumptions. The goal is to design a system which discovers and fosters ingenuity on all levels of the organization.
Building Ingenuity systems encompasses:
Digital Learning Library provides partner’s employees to access relevant content (readings, tools and frameworks) for individuals and teams to challenge themselves and support their creative thinking and fundamental-principles thinking in addressing problems that matter. Library contains content which:
- provide readings that expose individuals/teams to A Different View on their job, team/ department, company, industry and market – thus providing them reference points for exerting maximum value from their innate analogical reasoning approaches
- integrates tools and frameworks to train and stimulate individual/team/organizational creative thinking and fundamental-principles thinking in innovative/creative endeavors, strategic thinking, decision-making and problem-solving and planning.

Ingenuity platform provides digital support for individuals, teams and organizations to counter individual/team limitations in creative/strategic thinking by guiding them through a system of creative/strategic approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and planning which encompasses:
- creating ideas – utilizing a structured individual/team efforts using different methodologies, such
as brain storming, design thinking, etc. - transforming ideas into assumptions (i.e. logic)
- testing assumptions by utilizing available data and running experiments by utilizing diverse
approaches to test the assumptions (such as SCRUM, A-B testing, etc.) - transforming assumptions into projects
- implementing and managing projects as a set of milestone-focused conversations with diverse project-management plan-and-execute approaches between those milestones (such as SCRUM, Lean 6-sigma, waterfall/phased approach, iterative project management, process based, etc.)
Such approach delivers maximum value to an organization/team/individual in envisioning, developing and implementing strategic and operational choices.
In order to persistently counter the innate individual/team limitations in creative/strategic thinking, focus is on building organizational capabilities in mentoring individuals and teams to persistently deliver on ingenuity and thus drive exponential returns to efforts. It develops a select set of individuals within the organization to explore and understand underlying principles of stimulating human ingenuity – building their capabilities through stages of Junior/Intermediate/Senior/Tenured Consultants, depending on: (a) individual-level mentorship results; (b) team-level mentorship results; (c) process-level mentorship results; (d) outcome-level mentorship results. Ingenuity consulting team can be developed in one of the following ways:
- Individual in charge of leading creative-thinking and fundamental-principles thinking sessions (within HR, within department and/or as part of strategy team)
- Ingenuity Consulting Team, organized as:
- Team within HR team – working with all business units, departments and teams
- Separate team – working with all business units, departments and teams
- Team within a certain department/team – focused on delivering ingenuity within the department’s/team’s domain of responsibilities.